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Brain Injury and TBI

Writer's picture: Crystal Le Fay Psychic MediumCrystal Le Fay Psychic Medium

Updated: Feb 20, 2023

At 43 years old I had built a successful business as a Psychic Medium, had many projects in the works. Then Nov 2018

I had a stroke, brain bleed and discovery of a odd brain tumor. After the neurosurgeon telling me the tumor will never shrink, I set out to prove him wrong. Less than a year later I had shrunken the brain tumor, the brain bleed went away and no stroke symptom. The doctor said its nothing but a miracle, there was only a hole of scar tissue left in my brain. He then told me to go live my life.

I began to put my projects in action. A few months later Dec 19, 2019. I was driving home during the day, about a mile away from my home a truck pulled out in front of me. I was going 55. I had no time to stop. I pushed the brake peddle has hard as I could. I screamed out to my Angels and my dad who is passed over, "help me!" I said to myself "Crystal your going to die." I cried out ,"Nooooooo, Please nooooo!." I kept my eyes open and I empacted the other truck. Everything went black.

I saw a bright light off in the distance. I felt safe, no pain and more peaceful than I ever have. I began to go toward the light. Then I heard a woman's voice.. I got confused, where am I? I was being pulled toward the light, but being called by a woman from somewhere outside of my body. All of a sudden I heard a mans voice, "You need to go back." I begged the voice, "Noooo its going to hurt, I don't want to go back. Please let me stay." The mans voice again" Your body is still alive, you have work to do, you have to go back, your not done!" Then I saw flashes of pics of my husband, my kids, my friends. Before I could beg again, I was put abruptly in my body. I awoke to a an angel in human form sitting next to me, talking to me. (A witness who had stopped to help me.) I asked if I was alive, she assured me I was. The worst pain Id ever felt had set in. The rest becomes a blur of hearing the police officer call my husband "Sir, your wife was in an accident, Shes calling for you."

I couldn't see, all I heard were voices. Next blur being rushed in the ambulance to the hospital. The pain of having my forehead stitched up from hitting the steering wheel. Leaving me with a Traumatic Brain Injury and Post Concussion Syndrome. Then being rushed the next morning to emergency surgery to save my knee and heel. Both had been shattered. Over a week in the hospital then almost a month in a rehab center. Seen over 30 doctors and therapist to help me heal. At home using only holistic methods, meditation and energy healing. I have defects Im navigating around. But Im doing it. I made a choice early on, "Crystal you can either heal or you can give up." I choose to heal! I spent 2020 learning to walk again and healing my brain. I still have a lot of healing to do but no matter what symptom I wake up with ...PTSD, night terrors, the pain, depression, anxiety, panic attack, fear of driving, etc. Everyday I wake up and I force myself out of bed, and I live! I live with a purpose of helping others heal, using my struggles and healing process to give hope back to those who have lost hope. I Know now Im here because Im meant to be. This accident changed me in so many ways, but more importantly its reminded me no matter what happens in my life, with a positive attitude and determination, I can over come it! Thank you to everyone who has and continues to be apart of my recovery! I love you all so much! Thank you my husband for working so hard and being my caretaker! Thank you to my kids for giving me the strength not to give up! Its been almost 2 years and Im so happy to be alive! Giving up is not an option for me!


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