Everyday I have to let go and everyday is a new beginning.

Last week I dissolved my DBA and LLC for my business.
Fighting to hold on to it since my accident almost 2 years ago (December 19, 2019),
has only made me stress out more.
I just cant keep up like I used to.
I need a fresh start to rebuild.
Im not the same person I was before the accident.
So instead of trying to hold on to who I was,
I've decided to let go of her keeping the memories of her close to my heart.
The memories remind me daily,
its because of her I have the strength to keep moving forward.
Im still mourning the loss of who I was,
but every new day,
gives me another chance to get to know the new me and learn to love her.
Todays new beginning was a new hair color, I feel is more like me now.
Piece by piece Ill become the new me...
Write to Crystal Noe